
Thursday, December 30, 2010

So honoured!!

I was catching up on some blog reading the other day, and was checking out Brandi from the Yankee Belle Stamper's blog. She had been tagged to tell a little bit about herself, I was sitting there reading, and thinking how nice it is to get to know my fellow bloggers better. Plus the fact that we seemed to have a lot in common! Then to my surprise, I discovered I was one of the 4 people she tagged to carry this on. I of course then felt terrible because I hadn't noticed sooner!

Please stop by (if you don't already) and check out her fabulous blog. She has a great style and plenty to inspire! 

So here is a little bit about me.

Four shows you watch:

1. True Blood - I have since birth had a fascination with vampires. I'm sure it has nothing to do with being born Oct 30th!
2. CSI: Las Vegas
3. Castle
4. pretty much anything on HGTV!

Four things you are passionate about:

1. my family
2. animals
3. crafting - paper, sewing, knitting, diy
4. rollerskating - I am a derby girl!

Four words/phrases you say a lot:

1. Sorry!
2. Sorry!
3. Sorry!
4. Yes - this gets me into a lot of trouble!

Four things you have learned from the past:

1. spend as much time as you can with those you love
2. be grateful for the things you have. sometimes you don't realize what you have until it's gone
3. do NOT lick a frozen piece of metal, your tongue WILL stick! (see what I mean about getting into trouble!)
4. always wear appropriate footwear!

Four places you would like to go:

1. South America
2. Australia & New Zealand
3. The Carribean
4. somewhere I could learn to surf!

Four things you did yesterday:

1. slept (I'm currently working night shift)
2. shopped at IKEA for craft room storage ideas
3. went for a walk with my husband (Cam) and puppy (Stella)
4. got a noodle bowl from my favourite Vietnamese restaurant.

Four things you are looking forward to:

1. going home to Ontario for my grandpa's 90th birthday party
2. starting a family
3. our trip to St Lucia
4. my best friends wedding

Four things you love about winter:

1. Christmas
2. curling up in front of the fireplace with a book and hot chocolate with Bailey's
3. snowboarding
4. icicles

Tag four people to play along!

1. Liza
2. Karen B.
3. Charlene
4. Arielle

Thanks for taking time to read a little bit about me! And thanks so much Brandi for tagging me!


  1. Kasia,
    Awesome! I loved reading more about you so thanks for playing along! We actually do have so much in common! I am a vampire junkie as well! I am finishing up the Twilight series and read a couple of the True Blood books. I am wicked jealous about your trip to St Lucia. You will have to let me know how it is (and show pics, of course) when you go. During the winter months it is nice to have something warm to look forward to! Have a wonderful New Years!

  2. Great way to get to learn more about you! I read all the Twilight books in about a day each, my husband thought I was crazy. And jealous too that you got to go to an IKEA for crafting supplies, the nearest one to me is three plus hours away!


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