
Monday, August 6, 2012

a post for my mom

 I couldn't let this day go by without sharing something, and
I will try my best to make it more light-hearted than I feel.

5 years ago today my Mom, Catherine Olejnik (Pollock), passed away suddenly. She had multiple pulmonary emboli, which are blood clots in the lungs. 
Being in the medical field, sadly even though I was not there, I know all to well, everything that went on. It's really hard for me to think about that part so I try not to. My poor aunt Julie (my mom's sister, who is a nurse) was there through it all. I am so grateful that my mom had Julie with her.

My Mom was a fabulous woman and truly the most AMAZING mother.
There are so many fond memories I have that I could tell you about, but it would take me years!!

I will keep it short, although I know this post is more for me than anything else!

 She was one of those people that just made everyone feel good, 
she had a way about her.

She was kind, thoughtful, stubborn, warm, creative, nurturing, goofy, gentle but tough when she needed to be, strong, independent, smart, honest, selfless, giving, stubborn (did I say that already!), dependable, she was my rock. And oh so much more.

I'm sure I have shared these pictures before but I still haven't dug through the boxes to find new ones. 
Maybe I can try to tackle that now!

Mom, I love you so very much, not a day goes by that I don't think of you.
5 years feels like forever and like yesterday.
I promise you will never leave my heart and that I will continue to strive to be the person you (and I) wanted me to be.
Give my little bean a hug & kiss for me, 
Love always, 


  1. oh Kasia, I feel your pain!! I have tears in my eyes...lost my mom just over 5 yrs ago and her name was Catherine. Everything you said about your mom was how I felt about my mom too. She was my best her everyday and often just want to pick up the phone and call her. She did so much for so many but cancer got her. She died a quick death only 3 mths after finding out...thought my heart was broken and it has changed me forever.
    sending thoughts and prayers,

  2. you made me cry. I feel both the pain of her loss and the joy of her life in your post, which doesn't always have to be about art, it can be about the heart sometimes too.

  3. Kasia, this is a very sweet and touching post to honor your mom. I'm so sorry for your sadness, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Kasia this is a beautiful post for your mom, you can really feel the love you have for her. Sending you a hug today :>

  5. Kasia...thank you for sharing this. Beautiful pictures that I know you treasure. I'm sure you momma is with you all the time...and very proud of her little girl! (((((hugs)))))

  6. Kasia---THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful post about your mom!! I'm sad that your heart is heavy and you are sad because of this loss (although, I totally understand and it's totally normal!!!!). Sending you tons of hugs and prayers for peace/comfort:) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ya!

  7. Kasia, my heart goes out to you. I am facing the 11th anniv of my mom's passing and it is still as hard as it was the first year. Keep those happy memories in your heart. I am sure that your mom is very proud of you.

  8. What a beautiful post. Thinking of you during this difficult time.

  9. Beautiful, from-the-heart post, Kasia. Much ♥ to you.

  10. Kasia, it was very touching to read your post today about your Mom. I can see the loving relationship you have with her in your 1st picture. I hope that the happy memories of her carry you through your difficult days. You are in my prayers.

  11. I feel for you and understand your pain Kasia, l have just passed the 27yr Anniversary of my Mum passing and like you, she is always in my thoughts too! Such a lovely post full of beautiful memories.
    Sending you a huge hug from downunder. xxx

  12. Such a lovely tribute to your mum; I understand how much you miss her (I lost my mum 29 years ago due to cancer; I was 18 then)
    But this is not about me but about you and your mum. The photos are lovely and all I can say is; cherish the memories (you will I know...) and sending a hug!

  13. thank you for sharing, big hugs ang strengh vibes coming your way...

  14. Sending you big hugs! Remember all of the wonderful things about your mom and know she is always watching over you (and loving your little bean too)! I know she is proud of you, Kasia!

  15. Kasia, such a lovely tribute to your mother...

  16. Kasia I am sending you big hugs. What a lovely tribute to your mother.

  17. Thinking about you and sending you hugs. What a sweet post. Your mom would be so proud.

  18. Kasia, I can tell that so many of your mom's qualities are also in you, and she would most definitely be proud of you. I have been thinking of you and hope that you are doing okay. I know this must be a hard time of year, but I hope you know that God is looking over the both of you always. xoxo

  19. Oh my dearie - just catching up on my blogreading and your sweet post to honour your mum has really touched me. Special memories to cherish, and you must know that she will always by through your dreams. Best wishes, Rxxxx

  20. Big hugs!! Moms are so special, and have a place in our hearts that nO one else can take. What a sweet tribute to your mom. So amazing!! Hugs.


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