
Saturday, March 9, 2013

RetroSketch #54

Hey guys!
Sorry for the minimalist posting, this whole mommy thing is time consuming!!
But I love every minute of it. :)

(as a side note, if anyone has suggestions on how to calm a colicky baby I would love to hear it, much appreciated!)

I have a new RetroSketch to share today.
 It's based on a card I made here.

It also happens to be the very first card I made for a design team, which just so happens to be run by the FABULOUS Arielle. 

You might have heard of it, ColourQ!! ;)

I used a few sets here, all by The Alley Way Stamps.

It's really hard to see in the picture but I used the circles from Pillow Talk to try to add some texture to the butterflies. :)

Head on over to the RetroSketches blog to see what gorgeous things the rest of the DT have to share with you.

Thank so much for stopping by today.

And because I am just so in love with this little man, I'm going to share yet ANOTHER pic!!

I just needed a little cap to finish the look, but I didn't have anythign small enough. :)


  1. He's adorable!! Love his little bowtie!!

  2. What a fun the colors!!

    Your boy is stinkin' adorable....colicky baby...that was my girl {who will be 18 this month!}...the only thing that seemed to work for her was movement...swinging...she loved the portable swing we had.

  3. Love your card - the colors are amazing together! And your little man is so super cute! I'm pretty sure they come out that way so we'd still love them when they've been crying for hours on end ;) What worked for us: a VERY tight swaddle, loud shushing in the baby's ear, and movement. Good luck, mama!

  4. Man.....your little man is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo CA-UTE!!! What a cute card as well. Isn't being a Momma AWESOME?!? Hope all is well.....

  5. aww, I remember those days with a fussy baby! lots of patience, swaying, and MYLICON drops! it will get better, Kasia! hang in there!

  6. He is a cutie! Look at this little man! :)
    Your card is so pretty Kasia!
    I remember my days with my baby who is 12 already! Where does the time go?
    I agree with everybody else - singing baby songs and movement.
    It will get better! :)

  7. Your card is beautiful and your little man is so stinkin' cute! Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a cutie! I'm loving that bow tie!

  9. awww your son's cute expression and adorable tie is adorable~!!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! It really makes my day. :)